Percentage To CGPA Calculator

Percentage to CGPA Converter

CGPA to Percentage Converter

Traditional Percentage System

The percentage system is one of the most traditional and widely used grading systems. It represents a student’s academic performance as a percentage of the total marks obtained in an exam or series of exams. For example, if a student scores 450 out of 500, their percentage is calculated as:

Percentage=(Marks Obtained / Total Marks)×100

In this case:

Percentage=(450 / 500)×100=90%

CGPA Percentage System

The CGPA system, on the other hand, is a relatively modern grading method that represents a student’s overall academic performance on a scale, typically ranging from 0 to 10. CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average and is calculated by taking the average of grade points obtained in all subjects. CGPA is often used in schools, colleges, and universities to standardize grading across various courses and programs.

Key Differences

  1. Representation: Percentage is represented as a number out of 100, whereas CGPA is a number typically between 0 and 10.
  2. Precision: Percentages can provide a more precise measure of performance, while CGPA offers a broader assessment.
  3. Usage: Percentages are commonly used in high schools and some universities, while CGPA is more prevalent in higher education institutions.

Conversion Methods

Converting percentage to CGPA involves understanding the conversion formula and applying it correctly. Different educational boards and institutions may use slightly varied conversion formulas, but a commonly accepted method is to divide the percentage by 9.5.

CGPA=Percentage / 9.5

Why 9.5?

The factor 9.5 is derived from a statistical analysis of the performance of a large number of students. It has been observed that on average, students with a CGPA of 10 scored around 95% marks. Therefore, dividing the percentage by 9.5 standardizes the conversion.

Step-by-Step Conversion

  1. Calculate the Percentage: Determine the percentage of marks obtained using the formula mentioned above.
  2. Apply the Conversion Formula: Divide the percentage by 9.5 to get the CGPA.
  3. Round Off (if needed): Depending on the institution’s requirements, round off the CGPA to the nearest decimal place.


Let’s convert a percentage score of 85% to CGPA:

CGPA = 85 / 9.5=8.95

Thus, a percentage of 85% converts to a CGPA of 8.95.

Percentage to CGPA Conversion Table

To make the conversion process easier, here is a conversion table for quick reference:


Practical Applications of Conversion

Academic Admissions

Many universities and colleges, especially those abroad, require applicants to submit their academic records in CGPA. Students who have their grades in percentages need to convert them to CGPA to meet these requirements.

Job Applications

Certain employers, particularly in the education sector or multinational companies, may ask for academic records in CGPA. Converting percentages to CGPA ensures that candidates present their qualifications in the required format.

Performance Analysis

Schools and colleges may use CGPA to analyze overall student performance, track academic progress, and implement targeted educational strategies.

Using Online Percentage to CGPA Calculators

While manual conversion is straightforward, online calculators provide a quick and accurate alternative. These calculators require you to input the percentage, and they automatically compute the CGPA using the conversion formula.

Steps to Use an Online Percentage GPA Calculator

percentage to cgpa calculator
  1. Select Grading Scale: Select you grading scale system.
  2. Enter the Percentage: Input your percentage score into the designated field.
  3. Click on Calculate: The calculator will instantly provide the corresponding CGPA.

Benefits of Online Calculators

  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of manual calculation errors.
  • Time-Saving: Provides instant results.
  • User-Friendly: Easy to use without requiring advanced mathematical skills.


Understanding the conversion from percentage to CGPA is essential for students navigating different academic and professional pathways. This guide has provided a detailed explanation of both grading systems, the conversion formula, and practical applications. With the help of a percentage to CGPA calculator, the conversion process becomes even more straightforward, ensuring accuracy and saving time. Whether you’re applying for further studies, seeking a job, or analyzing academic performance, this knowledge will prove invaluable.